【同义词辨析】 2019-04-09 警觉watchful-alert

watchful: is the least explicit term: played under the ~ eyes of their mothers.   在母亲警觉的双眼下玩耍

vigilant: suggests intense, unremitting, wary watchfulness: ~ taxpayers forestalled all attempts to raise taxes.   wary也有警觉的意思,但强调怀疑和警惕风险be suspicious and on the look-out for dangers,如be wary of strangers who offer you a ride提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人,如the cat eyed him warily那只猫警惕地注视着他)

wide-awake: stresses keen awareness of and watchfulness for opportunities and developments more often than for dangers: ~ observers will recall other summit meetings.

alert: stresses readiness or promptness in meeting a problem or a danger or in seizing an opportunity: ~ traders anticipated the stock market's slide.   (红色警戒red alert是一款游戏, U.S. military on 'high alert' in the Persian Gulf nations of Bahrain and Qatar美军在波斯湾巴林卡塔尔提升战备,都有时刻准备警惕的意思)

watchful警觉: 泛指对危险机遇的警觉不明确,vigilant警惕: 表示密切一刻不停的警觉,wide-awake清醒精明: 多用于机会发展,而非危险,alert警惕警戒: 强调时刻准备处置问题危险或抓住机遇。    

记忆方法: 1)首字母WVWA想成A WVW很像一个波浪,想成风波<==引人警觉

        2)警觉的意思是关注及时察觉危险或机遇mean being on the look-out especially for danger or opportunity.   (look-out"向外看"形容警觉关注的样子,如we should keep a sharp look-out for their disruptive activities我们要严防他们的破坏活动 ; be on the look-out==be on the watch)